Lattes CV:

Short CV:
She holds a B.A. in Social Sciences, with a major in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a specialist degree in Social Anthropology from the National Museum (UFRJ), an extension course certificate in Anthropology from the University College London (UCL), a PhD in Administration from COPPEAD (UFRJ). Her postdoctoral research was conducted at University College London.

Advising Interests:
1 – Communication and Consumption Anthropology studies on subjectivization  and sociability processes.
2 – Consumption, mobility, and social differences analyses of the Brazilian “new medium class” and emergent social segments in BRICS.
3 – Material culture studies, including digital environments.
4 – Ethnographic analyses  of production, circulation, and reception of media contents.
5 – Studies on the communication and consumption practises within low income groups. 

Research project

“Social mobility, consumption, and communication in countries with a hierarchizing bias”
This project stems from a postdoctoral research conducted  from 2017 to 2018 at University College London (UCL), supported by CAPES Senior Fellowship program.  The main goal of this study is understanding how changes related to socioeconomic iniquities in countries with a hierarchizing bias like Brazil and India can be associated with the transformation of media and consumption practises within “emergent” groups from the poorest  ranks of the population.  Through an ethnographic research, the aim is to analyse how identity construction is transformed within the context of social mobility where attention moves toward aspects such as religious affiliation and digital media usage.


Da produção ao consumo: diversidade cultural nos usos coletivos de tecnologia entre grupos populares. 

Revista Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo, v.12, n. 35, set-dez 2015, p. 129-148.
“Materialismo digital”, consumo e contemplação na rede social Pinterest.  
Revista Eco Pós (online)- v.18.n.1, 2015, p. 120-132.
Cultura e experiência midiática.
Everardo Rocha, Claudia Pereira e Carla Barros (orgs), Rio de Janeiro: PUC-Rio e Mauad, 2014.
Representations of poverty and digital inclusion: Clashes over alterity in the field of technology and the virtual universe. 
Journal of Latin American Communication Research (JLACR), Vol 2, No 1, 2012, p. 92-114.
Juvenile sociability, cultural classifications and tastes : A study on the universe of games and social networks in lower class lan houses. 
International Review of Social Research (IRSR), v. 2, issue1, February 2012, p. 91-103.  
Entre mundos distintos: notas sobre comunicación y consumo en un grupo social.
In: BACCEGA, Maria Aparecida (Org.). Comunicación y culturas del consumo. Salamanca: Comunicación Social, 2012, p. 214-230. Com Everardo Rocha.
Tecnologias digitais, sociabilidade e “território”: um estudo entre jovens pertencentes às camadas populares no Brasil.
AVATARES de la Comunicación y la Cultura, nº4, diciembre de 2012, p.1-17.
Representações do serviço doméstico na ficção televisiva: notas sobre consumo e diferença social. 
Revista Animus, v.11, n.22, 2012, p. 65-83.
“Cariocas não gostam de dias nublados”: Comunicação, consumo e lifestyle no discurso da Farm. 
Revista Famecos, v. 19, n. 3, setembro/dezembro 2012, p. 839-854. Com Claudia Pereira.
Televisão e significados na recepção: notas sobre uma etnografia com empregadas domésticas.
In: JACKS, Nilda; SOUZA, Maria Carmem Jacob (Orgs.). Mídia e recepção: televisão, cinema e publicidade. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2006, p. 176-191.
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