
Lattes CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8042448829229400
Short CV:
Holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from USP, a master degree in Literature Studies from UFMG, and a B.A. in Journalism from PUC-MG. He has conducted postdoctoral research at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London and is a PQ/CNPq Research Fellow.
Advising Interests:
Communication and Journalism studies, contentious narratives, and diasporic movements, comparative studies in Journalism, documentaries, and literature. He is mainly intereted in the following topics: journalism, discourse, narratives, culture, communication, alterity, conflict, Global South, and Middle East.
Research project
The Malês Revolt and its media developments: a study on narration and South Global conflicts
This project approaches two different sets of problems: i) one of anthropological/cultural nature, aimed at understanding the territory and its configuration upon power relations and dynamics; and ii) one of communicational/relational nature, aimed at problematising Journalism through the perspective of language, considering it as part of a broader discursive dimension; one of the likely instances of enunciation of present history in a world marked by technological advance. The first set is intended to trace the route between the Brazilian cities of Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, and Lagos, Nigeria, whose “conflict matrix” is the Malês Revolt, that happened in Brazil in the early 19th century. Pervaded by the tragic experience of slavery in Brazil, these three territories are approached through a geopolitical perspective, and their narrative and media practises must cooperate toward the configuration process of a narrative territoriality. By considering the Valongo Wharf, Rio de Janeiro, as the epicentre of this expansion process, this research is articulated by the idea of territory as inhabited space configured by different technologies, means of production, objects, and subjects that constantly collide and reinvent distinct modes of existence. The second set of problems aims at criticising Journalism, since it is supposed that, as an instance of enunciation, it is a language problem. Through this perspective, the hypothesis articulated here is that, concerning the conflicts of political and cultural nature, the reflexion on journalism depends on geopolitical contexts that are permeated by logics of power both inscribed in and producers of events. By problematising the framing development process within the contemporary media landscape, this project reflects on the regime of subjectivities guided by post-colonialist and Global South theories, since its aim is also reflecting on the role played by media in the inscription process of the power relations produced by colonialist projects.
RESENDE, F. “Geographies of the South: unfolding experiences and narrative territorialities”. In: AMANSHAUSER, H; BRADLEY, K. (eds.). Navigating the Planetary. Viena: Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2020.
RESENDE, F. “Ciudades e imágenes del Sur Global: geografías sin hogar, cuerpos que vibran”. (Cities and images of the Global South: unhomed geographies, vibrating bodies). In: CEBEY, G.; THIES, S. (eds.) Cine y Megalópolis. (Cinema and Megalopolis). Ciudad de Mexico: UNAM, 2020.
RESENDE, F.; AMARAL, D.; ROBALINHO, R. “Inventar o Sul” (Inventing the South). In: RESENDE, F.; AMARAL, D.; ROBALINHO, R. (eds.). Modos de Ser Sul: territorialidades, afetos e poder. (Modes of being South: territorialities, afects and power). Rio de Janeiro: E-books, 2020.
RESENDE, F. “O que nos ensina o monstro de Rosa: a narrativa como percurso, o pensamento como problema”. (What the monster of Rosa teaches us: narrative as a route, thought as a problem). In: MELO, S.; PASSOS, C.; COSTA, K.; THIES, S. (eds.). Explorando os entremeios: cultura e comunicação na literatura de João Guimarães Rosa. (Exploring the in-betweens: culture and communication in the literature of João Guimarães Rosa). São Paulo: HUCITEC, 2020.
RESENDE, F.; IQANI, M. “Theorising Media in and across the Global South: Narrative as Territory, Culture as Flow”. In: RESENDE, F.; IQANI, M (eds.). Media and the Global South: narrative territorialities and cross cultural currents . New York/New Delhi: Routledge, 2019.
RESENDE, F.; SIDES, K. “Truth Commissions and the reinvention of the past”. In: TADJO, V. (ed.). The culture of dissenting memory: Truth Commissions in the Global South. New York/New Delhi: Routledge, 2019.
RESENDE, F.; ROBALINHO, R.; AMARAL, D. “When image is body: ways to survive the colonial machine”. Comunicação Mídia e Consumo (ESPM), São Paulo, v. 16, n. 47, September/December 2019. http://revistacmc.espm.br/index.php/revistacmc/article/view/2107/pdf_1
RESENDE, F.; THIES, S. “Entangled temporalities in the Global South”. Contracampo – Brazilian Journal of Communication (UFF), Institute of Arts and Communication, Niterói, v. 36, n. 3, p. 02-14, January 2017. https://periodicos.uff.br/contracampo/article/view/17611/Editorial
RESENDE, F. “Narrar no mundo: um desafio desses nossos tempos” (Narrating in the world: a challenge of our times). In: MAIA, M.; MARTINEZ, M. (eds.). Narrativas Midiáticas Contemporâneas: perspectivas metodológicas. (Contemporary Media Narratives: methodological perspectives). Santa Cruz do Sul: Catarse, 2018.
RESENDE, F.; THIES, S. “Editorial”. Contracampo – Brazilian Journal of Communication (UFF), Institute of Arts and Communication, Niterói, v. 37, n. 1, May, 2018. https://periodicos.uff.br/contracampo/article/view/17632/pdf_1
RESENDE, F. “Reporting Pre-1948 Palestine in Brazil: the journalistic narrative and the British Empire”. In: HARB, Z. (ed.). Reporting the Middle East: the practice of news in the 21st Century. London: IB Tauris, 2017.
RESENDE, F. “Imprensa e Conflito: narrativas de uma geografia violentada” (Press and conflict: narratives of a violated geography). In: PEIXINHO, A. T.; ARAÚJO, B. (eds.). Narrativa e Media: Géneros, Figuras e Contextos. (Narratives and Media: genres, figures and contexts). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2017.
RESENDE, F. e Peres, A. Nós, as testemunhas: notas sobre um jornalismo de teor testemunhal. Dispositiva – Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Social da Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes da PUC Minas, Belo Horizonte, v. 5, p. 121-137, 2016.
• O conflito Israel/Palestina como acontecimento jornalístico: análises de narrativas do jornal Folha da Manhã (1936/1946) (The Israeli/Palestinian conflict and journalistic event: Folha da Manhã – 1036-1946). Galáxia (São Paulo. Online), v. De2015, p. 86-98, 2015.
• The Global South: conflicting narratives and the invention of geographies. IBRAAZ, London, 2014. (http://www.ibraaz.org/essays/ 111)
• Narrativas e Conflito Afro-Muçulmano no Brasil: cultura e luta por desejos e poderes. (Narratives and Afro-Muslim Conflict in Brazil: culture and fight for desire and power). Revista MATRIZES, São Paulo, vol. 8, 2014. (http://www.matrizes.usp.br/index.php/matrizes/ article/view/311)
• Eu, na fronteira dos teus olhos – sujeitos, territórios e resistência no conflito Israel/Palestina a partir de um filme de Avi Mograbi. (Avenge, but one of my two eyes – subjects, territories and resistente in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict). Revista ECO-PÓS, Rio de Janeiro, v. 17, 2014. (http://revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/eco_pos/article/view/1277)
• Inventing Muslims as the Other in Nineteenth-century Brazil. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, vol. 6, London, 2013. (http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/18739865-00602001;jsessionid=1iwdrp495ggf.x-brill-live-03)
• (Est)ética da praça: rua, mídia e partilha. ((Esth)etics of the square: street, media and sharing in Tahrir) Revista Intexto, Porto Alegre, v. 1, 2013. (http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/intexto/article/view/41159)
• Falar para as massas, falar com o Outro: valores e desafios do jornalismo (Talk to the mass, to talk with the Other: values and challenges in Journalism). In: França, V. & Vaz, P. (orgs.). Comunicação midiática: instituições, valores, cultura (Mediatic Communication: institutions, values, culture). Belo Horizonte, Brazil: Autêntica, 2012.
• Para um jornalismo audiovisual de fricção: a delicadeza de não ter o que dizer. (For an audiovisual journalism of friction: the gentleness of having nothing to say). São Paulo, Brazil: Alameda, 2012.
• “Às desordens e aos sentidos: a narrativa como problema de pesquisa”. (Towards disorders and senses: narrative as a research problem) In: Jornalismo Contemporâneo: figurações, impasses e perspectivas. SILVA , G. & KÜNSCH, D. & BERGER, C. & ALBUQUERQUE, A. (orgs.). Salvador, Brazil: EDUFBA/Compós, 2011.
• The Arab conflicts in the media discourse: a Brazilian perspective. In: Journal of Global Media and Communication (Sage Pub., Vo.7/3/ Dec/2011)