Advising Staff

Afonso de Albuquerque
Lattes CV:
Short CV:
Holds a B.A. in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1988), a master degree (1991), and a PhD (1996) in Communication and Culture from the same university. Professor at Fluminense Federal University since 1992, currently is the Distinguished Professor of the Cultural and Media Studies Department and the Graduate Program in Communication at Fluminense Federal University. A CNPq’s researcher since 1998, his main concentration areas are Political Communication, Journalism, and Comparative Communication.

Ariane Diniz Holzbach
Lattes CV:
Televisions – Research Centre on Television and New Media
Short CV:
Adjunct Professor of the Media Studies Department at UFF. Holds a PhD and a master degree in Communication from PPGCOM/UFF. She was a Visiting PhD Student (Sandwich Scholarship) at McGill University. Also, she holds a B.A. in Journalism from Pernambuco Federal University and conducted postdoctoral research at the Graduate Program in History at Rio de Janeiro State University (PPGH/UERJ). Previously, she worked as a professor and adjunct coordinator of the Journalism Department at FACHA, and was also a professor at Gama Filho University and the Communication Department at UERJ. She conducts research on audiovisual and new media, entertainment, media history, and new media languages.

Beatriz Polivanov
Lattes CV:
Concentration: Communication Aesthetics and Technologies
Research group: MiDICom – Research Group in Digital Media, Identity, and Communication
Short CV:
Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication and the Cultural and Media Studies Department at Fluminense Federal University (UFF) . Holds a PhD and a master degree in Communication from PPGCOM-UFF, where she also conducted her post-doc studies as a CAPES Postdoctoral Fellow researcher. She was also a Visiting Post-doc at the Department of Art History and Communication Studies at McGill University (2019). She holds a B.A. in Languages and Literature (Portuguese-English) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Currently, she is the leader of the MiDICom (Digital Media, Identity, and Communication) UFF / CNPq research group. Her research interests include dynamics of online identities construction, performance disruptions, and electronic music scenes.

Benjamim Picado
Social network:
Lattes CV:
Short CV:
A PhD in Communication and Semiotics (PUC-SP), he is the coordinator of the Photography, Visual, and Graphic Narratives Analysis Research Group (GRAFO/NAVI), the Laboratory of Studies on Media Intrigues (Media_Müthos), and the Integrated Research Network on Theories and Analysis of Photograph (Rede_GRAFO). Author of the book O Olho Suspenso do Novecento: plasticidade e discursividade visual no fotojornalismo moderno (The hanging eye of the 1900’s: plasticity and visual discursivity in modern photojournalism. Rio: Azougue, 2014), he conducts studies on significant media materials upon semiotic, aesthetic, poetic, and narratological models of visual culture and audiovisual analysis, employing the heuristics approach of the « intrigue style », which marks the products of this universe (photojournalism, comics, graphic narratives and television serial fiction).

Bruno Campanella
Short CV:
He holds a PhD in Communication and Culture from the Graduate Program in Communication at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and a master degree in Transnational Communication and Global Media from Goldsmiths College, University of London. He conducted postdoctoral research at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Currently, he is a CNPQ Research Productivity Fellow level 2, a FAPERJ Young Scientist from Our State Fellow, and the coordinator of the CNPQ Mass Communication and Consumption Research Group (NEMACS).

Carla Barros
Short CV:
She holds a B.A. in Social Sciences, with a major in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a specialist degree in Social Anthropology from the National Museum (UFRJ), an extension course certificate in Anthropology from the University College London (UCL), a PhD in Administration from COPPEAD (UFRJ). Her postdoctoral research was conducted at University College London.

Emmanoel Ferreira
Short CV:
Emmanoel Ferreira holds a B.A. in Design/ Visual Communication from the Arts Department at UFRJ (2004); a master degree (2007) and a PhD (2013) in Communication and Culture from the Communication Department at UFRJ, and has conducted postdoctoral research at Poscom/UFBA (2018) as a CAPES Senior Research Fellow. Professor of the Cultural and Media Studies Department and of the Graduate Program in Communication at Fluminense Federal University (UFF). He is the leader of Medialudens, a DGP/CNPq research group interested in digital media, experience, and ludicity.

Felipe Trotta
Short CV:
He holds a PhD in Communication and a master degree in Musicology. Currently, he is interested in studying music in society, particularly the issues on value, gender, and periphery. He is both a CNPq and Faperj research fellow, and was the editor of the scientific journal E-Compós (2009-2013) and vice-president of the Latin American section of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-AL).

Fernanda Carrera
Lattes CV:
Concentration: Communication Aesthetics and Technologies
Research group: LIDD – Laboratório de Identidades Digitais e Diversidade (UFRJ)
Short CV:
Professor of the Communication Department at UFRJ. Holds a PhD in Communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), a master degree in Contemporary Communication and Culture from Bahia Federal University (UFBA), and a B.A. in Advertising from Universidade Católica do Salvador (UCSAL). Her research interests are Race, Gender, and Digital Culture.

Fernando Resende
Short CV:
Holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from USP, a master degree in Literature Studies from UFMG, and a B.A. in Journalism from PUC-MG. He has conducted postdoctoral research at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London and is a PQ/CNPq Research Fellow.

Kleber Mendonça
Short CV:
Adjunct Professor IV of the Department of Cultural and Media Studies at UFF, Coordinator of the Centre of Violence and Communication Studies (Núcleo de Estudos da Violência e Comunicação – NevCom/UFF) and Coordinator of the Working Group Interactional Practises and Language in Communication at Compós. He holds a PhD in Communication from UFF (2007), is a FAPERJ Young Scientist from Our State Fellow (2015-2017), was the Director of the Arts and Communication Institute(IACS) at UFF (2016-2019) and is the author of the book A punição pela Audiência (The punishing Audience, Quartet/Faperj, 2002).

Marco Antônio Roxo da Silva
Short CV:
Holds a B.A. in Communication from Fluminense Federal University (UFF), a master degree (2003), and a Phd (2007) from the Graduate Program in Communication at UFF. FAPERJ ECO/UFRJ Newly Doctored Fellow. Professor of the Department of Cultural and Media Studies.

Mayka Castellano
Short CV:
She’s a journalist with a master degree and a PhD in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she also conducted postdoctoral research in Communication. Her master’s and doctoral concentrations were cultural consumption, taste, therapeutic culture, and self-help culture. Currently, she is conducting research on the production of subjectivity and representation on television serial fiction.

Paula Sibilia
Short CV:
She holds a B.A. in Communication and a B.A. in Anthropology from Buenos Aires University (UBA), a master degree in Communication from UFF, a PhD in Collective Health from the Graduate Program in Social Medicine at UERJ and a PhD in Communication and Culture from UFRJ. In 2012, she conducted postdoctoral research at Université Paris VIII, France, as a CAPES Senior Research Fellow, and, in 2019, at Buenos Aires Univeristy (UBA), Argentina. She is both a CNPq and a FAPERJ Research Fellow.

Simone Pereira de Sá
Short CV:
She holds a B.A. in Social Sciences, a master degree and a PhD in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She conducted postdoctoral research at McGill University, Canada (2008) and King’s College, U.K. (2015/2016) as a visiting research fellow.
She has experience in education and research in the area of Communication, Culture, and Technologies, and particularly in the concentrations sound, music, and digital culture. She is a PQ/CNPq Research Fellow since 2000.

Thaiane Moreira de Oliveira
Short CV:
She holds a master degree and a PhD in Communication from Fluminense Federal University, and is a professor of the Graduate Program in Communication at the same institution. She is the coordinator of the “Laboratory of Investigation in Science, Innovation, Technology, and Education (Cite-Lab)”, whose activities unfold into the research groups “Laboratory of Engagement Experiences and Transformations of the Audience” and the “Center for Strategic Studies on the Circulation of Scientific Policies”. She is a INCT Research Fellow in Conflicts Management (Ineac), the coordinator of the Scientific Communication Forum of the Office of Research, Graduation, and Innovation at UFF, and the editor of the journals Contracampo and E-compós. Currently, she researches the circulation of communication in different spheres, the disputes on information and the interactional processes in the production of knowledge, addressing the strategic development of communication and the management of informational conflicts.

Viktor Chagas
Lattes CV:
Short CV:
Viktor Chagas is professor and researcher at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). He holds a PhD in History, Politics, and Cultural Goods from the Centre of Research and Documentation on Brazilian Contemporary History at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (Cpdoc-FGV). He is an associate member of the National Institute of Science and Technology for Digital Democracy (INCT.DD). Currently, he is also an executive board member at the Brazilian Association of Political Communication Researchers (Compolítica) and the editor-in-chief of the journal Revista Compolítica. He is the leader of the Laboratory of Research on Communication, Political Cultures, and Collaborative Economy (coLAB), as well as the coordinator of the extension project #MUSEUdeMEMES (#MemesMuseum).